Sunday, May 31, 2015

Plastic Bottle Bird House &Ffeeders Made by Girls & Their Mom ,Plus new blooms

 Samantha & I saw a link on Facebook about making bird Feeders & bird house out of 2 litter plastic coke bottles ,so they saved 3 of them and this is the results , I think they did a good job!
 This is the second "Queen Of The Night" bloom for this hanging plant ,One of my favorites , the only thing is they only bloom at night time ,so you have to keep checking after they get so big or you will miss them. Easy to grow too.
 My Dessert Rose I have had it for many years and this is the first time I have ever had this many blooms on it at the same time !
My Canna Lilly ,I thought it was done for but came back really good , I am using the new mirical grow sprinkles ,so they are all doing great!

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