Since I am unable to add new photos at this time I thought I would share some photos I took while my Mom, sister & I all took a train to Harrisburg Pa.,then rented a car and drove to Wellsboro,Pa.
Of course this was my first time ever driving in Pa. so it took some getting use to with all the mountians curves and road construction and etc. I will never forget while still in Harrisburg that really tall ramp we took off the mountian !! Oh my gosh.!!!....... I was terrified ! What happened was I took a wrong turn to get to Hwy 15, I finally found where to go , then drove all the way after stopping a couple times to get ahold of my bearings ,we made it after dark to Wellsboro and we had to call my Aunt to follow her back to her house because I could not find my way in the dark .
We got there just at the right time, the leaves were changing the whole time we were there . the morning we left there was fog and one of the pictures shows that , there is also a pic. of Pine Creek when we went to the canyon with our cousins, after spernding time with everyone while there, it was too soon and we had to catch a train back to Florida ,we did not want to go ! It was on this date Oct.14th we left my Aunts ,I drove to a small town just outside Harrisburg, we stayed in a motel until the next day, then got back on the train.
Three of the pic's shows the train station in Washington DC , Rexa and I was in awe at the size of the collums, they seem to reach the sky, they were so huge !!
All too soon we were back in Florida, seems like a dream now, it had been 30 years since Rexa and I had been to our home state, Mom had been there in 1992, so it was not quite as long for her, but I know she was homesick just as much as we were , I can't wait to go back, there is so much I want to do and see, so I hope we can go back agian soon.