Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Costmes

These are Sarah's and Chloe's Mermaid ballerina and Tinker bell, they picked out what they wanted, then we rummaged through about 6 tubs of fabric and this is what we picked out, so I did not have to buy anything this year !!

This is Samantha, my Daughter In Law, Her and her sister are having a halloween party for all the family today at her Mom's. She wanted to be an indian, first we found small pieces of volure then a couple days later I found this dusty rose volure, there was not enough for the fringe too, so we added the grey and the purple indian trim, I cut from a shirt I started to make years ago and never finished .
Pony beads make it look better!
Hem of skirt with more pony beads ,Sam put all those on herself .
Waylon wanted to be a cowboy ,he is using his Papa's supenders. Bradley is going to be a hunter, I did not get a picture of his yet. More pictures of the girls playing around with the costumes . Notice the wings on Chloe, they are from the butterfly wings of years earlier,I took off the top and use the bottom wings and turned them to look like Tinker Bells then there was a small flaw in the fine cloth so I added the ruffle, I used velcro to attach to her costume .

Friday, October 29, 2010

Delivery Of Quilts

 I made a delivery of my 4 quilts this morning to Davenport City Hall , it had been a year since I was there last and forgot how long it took to get there, but I enjoyed it just the same .
This year instead of using the pillow cases we have always used, they wanted us to use plastic disposible bags .all I had was trash bags .I was not too crazy about that .
The bottom picture shows all the details about the Quilts and Tea  Festival , I did not realize the leaf was covering up a web site so here it is   there is one about just the festival and that one is 
I will be going to the first day of the festival and I will post as many pictures as I can  . This is going to be so much fun, join us if you can .

Thursday, October 28, 2010

From Old to New

This is some old lace I have had for a long time. I know we had it when we had the costume shop in Winter Haven, so it has to be at least 25 years old, if not older, we used some on a few costumes and I had some left, but it has stains on it now .I could not decide if I wanted to paint it ,dye it with tea or use markers .

The white shows the stain so I thought I would try the markers and this is what I got , I like it and will probably cut it up and use it on some crazy quilting .
 I have more of the lace and I think I will tea dye that one  .

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Confederate Roses

I just love this flower ! Mom has 2 huge bushes of them at her house in Live Oak ,I just had to have one so she let me root some after we trimed it back and this is the result ; of course this was probably 10 years ago, so when we moved next door, I left it there for My DIL, it is very Tall now .It always blooms in late summer to winter here in Florida.
This is part of why I love it so much it changes color ! It starts out pink and turns white before the day is over
And of course the girls Chloe in back and Sarah in front wanted to help me take the pictures , The limbs were pretty tall so I asked them to hold a limb down for me to take a picture ,they are both little sweet hearts !!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kayla's Bed

       Just this past summer my oldest daughter Tammy ,Mark & Kayla all moved from Michigan to Paris Tenn. This is Kayla's bed . These are gifts I made over the years .The beach theme quilt on her bed is a quilt I made her Mom Tammy as Tammy was very fond of the beaches here in Florida and I knew she was missing them ,she is also a lighthouse lover .
The 2 pillows of the sharks and whales I made for Kayla a couple years ago , I had also made her a wall hangin of the whales ,it is on the wall but I don't have the picture saved yet .
The dusty rose color pillow in the middle is another pillow I made her and others last year ,I wrote everyone's names on the taffada fabric and then machine quilted around the names ,all of them were different colors and quilt designs, I just did not think to take pictures of them .

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sketch Of Old Quilt Pattern

Remenber the old Quilt I showed on 10/20/2010 with 2 babies ? Well this is a rought sketch of what I think the pattern looks like ,when I say rough I mean rough .. I was in a hurry and did not draw it perfect.
Anyway this is what I could get from looking at the picture and there are about 4 rolls of the same pattern, but each one is lined up where the triangles come out on the sides they do not touch the next roll but they continue from top to bottom , the next roll will have the largest block in line with the two triangles coming out the sides.If you go look at the picture I think you will understand what I mean .
I am not that good at explaining it, but I can show it better .
I am also guessing about the quilt work as I cannot tell from the picture.
 Hope this is not confusing , but what I am after is to see if anyone might know the pattern name. If not I will try my hand at making the pattern myself and naming it after my great grandmother DaisyBell Ely .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A special Order For Crazy Quilts

When the Fall into Fall contest was going on I found this website by : Thearica Burroughs , her web site is :
 When I saw all the items she had for sale I knew I just had to order some as the prices were very good prices for these items .
So here are the pictures below .
Thearica put it all in this cute bag with balloons and sent me this card with it stateing that if I refer a friend I get 15% off my next purchase if they order !
Nice isn't it !
Five different mofits I ordered at least 2 of each , for some I got 3.

Five diferent venise lace by the yard
And the charms ! a School Bus for 2 family members, sewing machines for all of us that sew in the family,Yarn for Mom and a dragon fly for anyone. Prices are fantastic!
And Look at this ! A free Gift for ordering !! How sweet is that ! So all of this is good ! Go check it out at :   or   Oh ! and if you order let her know I sent you !   I am using all of these for crazy quilts and bible covers .She has a good variety of things to choose from ,I am going to keep my eyes open for Knitting needles and artist pallet with brushes  of the charms.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quilt Pattern ??

This picture was taken when my oldest daughter and my sisters oldest son were babies , the quilt they are laying on is a quilt my great-grandmother made , it was given to Mom . Somehow the quilt came up missing , we are not sure what happened to it .
I thought maybe I would try to make a replacement for mom, but I am having a hard time figuring out the pattern and I am in hopes someone might reconize the pattern , clicking on the photo might enlarge it enough to figure out some of it, however the photo is kind of blury looking.
Does anyone know the pattern name?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Marble Sculpture -Philadelphia,PA. Train Station

I was so amazed at the time and work put into this sculptured Mural inside the train sation in Philadelphia,Pennsylvania.
The first time I ever saw it was in 2000 when I took a train trip from Florida to Michigan to see my Daughter and her new baby Kayla Sue. At that time I was by myself , when we arrived there we had to wait for an hour or so to get on another train to Michigan, I did not see it right away but when I did ,I took  a picture of it on a disposeable camera , that camera did not do it justice, so when Mom, Rexa and I went to Pa, in 2008 I had a ditigal and this is what I got , it was a shame I could not get the whole mural in one shot . I just can't imagine how long it took the artist to do this, but it sure is a fantastic work of art ! . I thought it had something to do with different means of travel.  Humm.... Maybe there is one in another train station too, because I remember seeing the horses , wagon train , older train ,airplanes,stage coach ,boats and then the model T car,  I did not think the artist name was there but it is . I clicked on the picture and it looks like Karl Bitter-1895.
I spent an hour looking it up ,I thought it was in Washington DC.but found it in Pa's train station instead ,so I made the corrct changes on here.This same station in Philly is where the extra tall colums are too.there is alot of wonderful detailed work put into the architecture of this train station.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Two Years Ago in October

Since I am unable to add new photos at this time I thought I would share some photos I took while my Mom, sister & I all took a train to Harrisburg Pa.,then rented a car and drove to Wellsboro,Pa.
Of course this was my first time ever driving in Pa. so it took some getting use to with all the mountians curves and road construction and etc. I will never forget while still in Harrisburg that really tall ramp we took off the mountian !! Oh my gosh.!!!....... I was terrified ! What happened was I took a wrong turn to get to Hwy 15, I finally found where to go , then drove all the way after stopping a couple times to get ahold of my bearings ,we made it after dark to Wellsboro and we had to call my Aunt to follow her back to her house because I could not find my way in the dark .
 We got there just at the right time, the leaves were changing the whole time we were there . the morning we left there was fog and one of the pictures shows that , there is also a pic. of Pine Creek when we went to the canyon with our cousins, after spernding time with everyone while there, it was too soon and we had to catch a train back to Florida ,we did not want to go ! It was on this date Oct.14th we left my Aunts ,I drove to a small town just outside Harrisburg, we stayed in a motel until the next day, then got back on  the train.
Three of the pic's shows the train station in Washington DC , Rexa and I was in awe at the size of the collums, they seem to reach the sky, they were so huge !!
All too soon we were back in Florida, seems like a dream now, it had been 30 years since Rexa and I had been to our home state, Mom had been there in 1992, so it was not quite as long for her, but I know she was homesick just as much as we were , I can't wait to go back, there is so much I want to do and see, so I hope we can go back agian soon.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fall Decorations

This years Fall decorations ,Tall vace has tulle with mini pumpkin/s lights and yellow flowers and gold lights inside , the gourds are also shown below ,the ceramic pumpkin I have had for about 25 years that I cleaned, fired, painted and fired agian,then added the small light inside .The quilt is one Mom made and is the reverse side ,looks so much like fall .

The Scarecrow above I made from a gourd after seeing one my cousin made , I use  Jaquard textile paints for the hat and face then spayed with clear coat and added the corn husk for hair , this year I put lights inside it .
The bottom bowl I cut out by drawing leaves to the side then cut with a steak knife being really careful ! then use the same paints for this also ,I wanted to use the wood burning iron but it would have taken too long ,I do not have alot of patince like I use to  . This year I filled it with the plastic veg , and a scarecrow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blue Jeans & Markers

This is something I was just playing with a month or so ago  I had some blue Jean 8" X 10" blocks cut out and decided to try my hand at coloring the flowers I drew with markers . This is the results,  I have plans to either make more the same size for a small lap quilt or hand bags or maybe even a tote bag  .
 I have not even tried to wash it yet I am afraid the colors will run and ruin the piece .
 I better make some marks on a scrap peice and wash it ,see what happens .
I know some of you are probably waiting for me to show the bible covers finished ,I have to say I am slow about those, but even if I did have them done, I will not be able to up-load any more  photos  until I find out what is going on with the  i-rocks port for up-loading my photos from the SD disk.
Hopefully I can get it fixed soon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kayla's Shark Quilt

I made this for my Grand daughter Kayla Sue ,her birthday is the 4th but she got the package last thurs and would not wait till monday to open it , She is very fascinated with Sharks and Sea life.
I use some shark fabric I had from another quilt with wonder under and cut them out ,then added them to the underwater panel I brought from HeartFealt . it was a 3 piece panel but we did not want it that big, so I cut that one panel off , for the back I used the same fabric I made her a pillow case out of, then I meachine quilted it with clear thread and used blue for the boarder I did the circles for bubbles and the wavy lines to look like ripples of water . I also made a tag for the back with mine & her name on it plus the date  .